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The Roof Is On! by Malin Ratcliffe

The Roof Is On!

Arguably one of the favorite milestones of a build is when the project is “topped out”. There’s something really satisfying about being able to stand inside a project, and to have an appreciation of how a client's home is going to look from the inside out. With the windows and doors now on site, we will soon be fully secured and commencing with the interior fit out and exterior finishing. Basic framing is being erected in parallel to advance this Cayman Residential project ahead of schedule and we are off to mobilize the energy efficient mechanical system!

The Villa Vista project - one of the best Cayman Residential Property located in the south region of Britannia is being supplied with LG VRF units. With the use of inverters and dual compressor outdoor units, the LG Multi V system offers superior load matching, preventing constant cycling or large temperature swings. Tight temperature control through precise load matching ensures maximum comfort, efficient operation, and superior de-humidification. The modular design of VRF results in superior energy savings giving owners the choice to air condition only the zones in use ensuring owner comfort – perfect for the Cayman Islands!

Residential Property in Cayman Cayman Property 




Up next – Exterior Finishing!